About Us

Hello and welcome to Yumofasab.com! I’m Astha Bardia , the culinary adventurer behind this blog. Here’s a little glimpse into who I am and why I’m so passionate about food.

About the Blogger

I’m not a professional chef, but I’ve always had an insatiable curiosity about the world of food. From a young age, I found solace and joy in the kitchen, experimenting with ingredients and flavors to create delicious dishes. Over the years, my kitchen has become my sanctuary, and cooking has evolved from a hobby into a true passion.

My Culinary Journey

My culinary journey began in 2020 when corona occured I started cooking with my mom and grandmother and got interest in it . As I honed my skills, I discovered that food isn’t just about sustenance; it’s a gateway to different cultures, traditions, and stories. It’s a way to connect with people, to create memories, and to express creativity.

Why I Blog

I started Yumofasab.com as a way to share my love for cooking and food exploration with others who are equally enthusiastic about the culinary world. This blog is a space where I document my kitchen experiments, share my favorite recipes, and recount my culinary adventures, both near and far. Through my writing and photography, I aim to inspire you to embark on your own food journeys and discover the incredible flavors our world has to offer.

What to Expect

When you visit Yumofasab.com , you can expect:

  • Delicious Recipes: I’ll be sharing a variety of recipes, from simple weeknight meals to extravagant dishes. Each recipe is a labor of love, tested and perfected in my own kitchen.
  • Food Stories: Join me as I explore local markets, street food stalls, and fine dining establishments. I’ll share the stories behind the dishes I encounter and the people who create them.
  • Cooking Tips: I’ll offer tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way to make your time in the kitchen more enjoyable and successful.

Let’s Connect

I’m thrilled to have you here as a part of my food-loving community. Do read my blogs to stay updated with my latest culinary creations, foodie adventures, and behind-the-scenes moments. And be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for exclusive content, special recipes, and more.

Thank you for joining me on this delicious journey. Let’s explore, experiment, and savor the world of food together!

Happy Cooking!

Astha Bardia